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HomeService Projects and Awards

Service Projects and Awards

One of the Guild’s primary objectives is to help charitable causes through our woodworking skills. Here are some of the service projects that we have completed over the years. If you would like to get involved with working on a charitable project while learning from other Guild members, contact our Charitable Projects Director.

Toy building is a year-long event. If you’d like to participate, please visit our Toys for Kids page. The Guild also provided plans for members in building Flag Cases for veterans.


In December, volunteer Guild members in their own shops and Scout troop volunteers from the Scoutland Camp on Lake Lanier built and delivered over 180 wooden toys, including trucks, cars, planes, helicopters, pencil boxes, jewelry boxes and puzzles to Emmaus House in central Atlanta, the Craddock Center in Cherry Log, Georgia, and KARE for kids in Dawsonville, Georgia. Emmaus House works for residents of Peoplestown and surrounding neighborhoods in central Atlanta.The Craddock Center delivers educational and cultural programs to children, families, and communities in North Georgia and southern Appalachia. KARE for Kids provides opportunities for children in Dawson County to have a Christmas they deserve, as well as year-round assistance with a winter coat, tennis shoes, medical needs or specific items needed for school.




In December, Guild members and Scout troop volunteers from the Scoutland Camp on Lake Lanier built and delivered over 100 wooden toys, including trucks, cars, planes, helicopters, pencil boxes and jewelry boxes to Emmaus House in downtown Atlanta, and to the Craddock Center in Cherry Log, Georgia. Emmaus House works for residents of Peoplestown and surrounding neighborhoods.The Craddock Center provides support to preschool age children 3 to 5 years of age in North Georgia.


100+ toys were donated to United Way of Atlanta in January 2021. Members Gary Fader and Terry Kelly lead the toy building effort.



Toy Build 2020, Woodcraft Roswell


The pandemic impacted our toy building workdays. As a workaround, members were encouraged to build toys in their shops using the Toys for Kids plans. The Guild did have a limited attendance workday in December at Woodcraft


In December, the Guild delivered 50 toy trucks and 44 hand cut puzzles along with crayons to the Craddock Center in Cherry Log, Georgia. The Craddock Center provides support to preschool age children 3 to 5 years of age in North Georgia. Board members Gary Feld and Nuane Neely presented the donation.

The toy truck and puzzle components were fabricated by Guild members at their home workshops. Final assembly occurring during the regular Guild September 2019 meeting at Woodcraft in Roswell.


Pam Colvin and Gary Fader, January 2020 Newsletter



The Guild delivered 50 toy trucks and 60 wooden puzzles to The Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. Board members Gary Fader, Jim Wright and Nuane Neely presented the gifts.

The toy truck and puzzle components were fabricated by Guild members at their home workshops. Final assembly occurring during the regular Guild September 2019 meeting at Woodcraft in Roswell.


Toy building was completed over the summer of 50 toy trucks and 60 wooden puzzles for The Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. Ten members build at Woodcraft with 30 members finished at the October Guild meeting.


Gary Fader issues instructions. August 2017 Newsletter


Nuane Neely and Guild members, July 2016 Newsletter


Working with Artisan Care and Action Ministries, the Guild build 11 tables to benefit formerly homeless veterans to provide furniture. Peach State Lumber provided the stock with members milling, cutting and shaping the table components. Assembly happened at the March Woodworking Show in the Guild’s booth. Final sanding and finish were completed at Woodcraft. Board members Nuane Neely and Joe Rodriguez presented the tables to Action Ministry.

Other Service Projects prior to 2015

Toy Builds

The Guild built and delivered 200 wooden toys to The Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite over 2009 and 2010.

Life Legacy Boxes

The Guild embarked on a multiyear effort supporting the Life Legacy Box Project in 2012. This non-profit organization provides hand-crafted wooden boxes to hospice patients and their families. The intent is to acknowledge a life well spent, facilitate gathering, storing and passing on their treasured mementos and messages for current and future generations in a beautiful box.

Guild members built more that 100 Life Legacy Boxes over two years. Both Rockler and Woodcraft supported the box project.

Ken Slaughter Project

Learn more about the Ken Slaughter Box Project for Dr Joel Rachelson.


Faith and Destiny Story Project

The Faith and Destiny Box Project honors twins.


Bat House build, August 2012 Newsletter

Bat Boxes

The Guild has supported bat house builds in Woodstock and Vinings in 2010 and 2012.

Flag Cases

After the 9/11 terror attacks, the Guild joined a national effort with other guilds in building flag cases for the victims. This effort was organized by regions with the southeast contributing 152 cases. Our Guild built 85 plus cases. This project concluded in 2002.


Flag Cases ready for shipment, January 2002 Newsletter


Guild Members at Mountaintop Boys Home, October 2001 Newsletter

Mountaintop Boys Home

The Guild won the 2000 Minwax Community Craftsman Award for its involvement with community projects. The board decided to use the $5,000 in prize money to further build out the wood shop at the Boys’ Home in Sugar Valley, GA, with selected power tools and a dust collection system. The shop was an integral to the vocational and educational effort for these in the juvenile justice system to earn a GED. In 2004, Boys’ Home mission and residency approach changed, and the school was closed. The Guild continued to support the home by building beds for new dormitories.



2012 Second Prize Award: Minwax® Do Good With Wood

A $2,000 cash grant and a supply of Minwax® products was awarded to the Woodworkers Guild of Georgia, based in Atlanta, GA. The guild members are being recognized for their work on behalf of the Life Legacy Box Project for patients in hospice care. Started by doctors, nurses, and caregivers, the Life Legacy Box Project provides handcrafted wooden boxes for hospice patients to house special papers and mementos that they want to leave to their loved ones. Woodworkers, health professionals, and other volunteers work with the hospice patients and their families and friends to create and distribute the boxes as a means for honoring, preserving, and passing down one’s life legacy.


2000 Grand Prize Winner: Minwax® Do Good With Wood

The Woodworkers Guild of Georgia received a $5,000 cash grant and a supply of Minwax® products. The Guild members are seen here working on projects with boys from the Mountain Top Boys’ Home. Since it was founded in 1980, the Mountain Top Boys’ Home has provided education and social nurturing to boys ages 14 thru 17 that have been adjudicated by the courts. In 2000, a wood shop was completed with updated equipment, and an outstanding vocational education program was installed by volunteers from the Woodworkers Guild of Georgia.


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