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HomeToys for Kids

Toys for Kids

Our Guild is expanding the Toys for Kids program to encourage members to build toys in their own shops. In previous years we scheduled toy-making sessions in late fall, but we hope to expand our ability to build and deliver toys year-round. Toys built and donated by Guild members and other groups will be distributed through agencies around the Atlanta area. Most recently, toys were built and distributed to the Emmaus House in central Atlanta, the Craddock Center in Cherry Log, Georgia, and to KARE for Kids in Dawsonville, Georgia.

Click here to see samples of toys built by volunteers last year.

Click here for an overview and tips for making and donating toys for our Toys for Kids program.

To get involved, just follow these step-by-step instructions:


Step 1 – Choose a toy from our list of favorites.
This year we will focus on the following five toys – choose any of them to download a description, a materials list, all building instructions, and any required patterns:

Step 2 – OR:  visit our Toy Gallery  to see a larger selection of popular toys.

The gallery includes a description including a picture of the completed toy, a materials list, instructions, and a pattern which you can print out. Or you may prefer to create your own toy — modify one of our designs to fit your preferences, or if you have an idea for a different toy, make it! When you finish, we would appreciate it if you could send us a picture, list of materials, instructions, and plans to publish in our list of toys. 

Step 3 – Acquire the materials

We encourage members to acquire their own materials for these projects. For most toys, you probably already have the basic materials in your shop. Some toys may require wheels, pegs, or other special components — the Guild will provide them for free whenever we can (just ask!), or you can try a Patron sponsor, a local craft store, or an on-line supplier. Please read our “Overview” document for specific materials required for donated toys. You can also watch Doug Pisik’s demonstration on how to make your own toy wheels!

Step 4 – Make multiples

Especially for the simpler toys, make more than one — make a dozen! Once you are set up to make a cut or drill some holes, it is quick to make multiples.

Step 5 ­- Apply a surface finish (but please do not use any finish on donated toys!)

We suggest shellac for a finish, since it is easy to apply with a brush, cloth, or spray. If you have components with surfaces that might be inaccessible after assembly (like the inside of wheels), just pre-finish those areas before assembly.

Step 6 – If you are donating to our program…

When you have completed your toys, you can deliver them to one of our designated collection points around the Atlanta area (click HERE for the locations), or click HERE to coordinate with us to pick up your finished toys.

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