This is a curated list of our favorite woodworking-related websites. These links are provided as a public service only. The Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia does not specifically endorse any products here nor does the order in which these links appear suggest any preference. If you would like to nominate a favorite website for inclusion on our list, please let us know by sending a message to our webmaster here: . Thank you!
Lumber Jocks NC Woodworker Patriot Woodworker SawMill Creek Wood Web Woodwork Forums Wood Net
Antique Tools Derek Cohen’s website Highland Woodworking – Free Woodworking Tips Lee Valley “Discover” Articles OldTools Group Peach State SAPFM SuperTools SuperTools – Stanley Planes
Old Woodworking Machines Vintage Machinery Primer on Saw Filing
Cumberland Woodturners South Auckland Woodturners Guild
Clock Plans Free Woodworking Plans EZ Treehouse Plans Plans from FWW Gizmo Plans Swing Plans Saw-4-Fun Plans Traditional Plans Woodsmith Plans U-Bild One Ocean Kayaks
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