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HomeHistory, Vision and Mission

History, Vision and Mission

The Woodworkers Guild of Georgia has a long history, now approaching 40 years. While many stories and jokes have been exchanged and accomplishments were made along the way, many were not chronicled. We are in the process of recreating the history of our Guild. The following is some background information and stories of how our Guild was founded and formed in the early 1980’s.

Our Past Presidents


Guild Founding

By Tom Risoli

The Guild was formed in the Spring of 1982 with the election of a Board of Directors by a group of craftsmen that started meeting at Highland Hardware in 1981. The WWGofGA was then incorporated in Oct 1984. Back story was before the Guild was formed, Chris Bagby, owner of Highland Hardware, and some partners decided they wanted to promote fine woodworking. They scheduled nationally known woodworkers such as Ian Kirby to do a series of woodworking seminars and classes. Most of the woodworkers who frequented Highland Hardware at the time signed up for these multiple classes. During one of the classes, the woodworkers attending were having such a good time visiting with each other and sharing knowledge and how-to ideas that they decided that they needed to do this more often. At that point Ian Kirby suggested that they form a woodworking guild, and told them how to get started. He told them to bring some pieces of woodworking or tools to raffle off to raise money for postage for mailings.

The rest is history!


Reunion Meeting Filled With History and Warm Memories

By Ted Baldwin

Somewhere around April or May of 2005, I got an e-mail from Chuck Boelkins, one of the founding members of the Woodworkers Guild of Georgia, reminding me that the guild was coming up on its 25th anniversary. I brought it up to the board. We decided that the meeting in January 2006 would be the celebration. Since I am one of the long term members, I was asked to set it up. I didn’t know if the present membership would enjoy listening to a bunch of old woodworkers talk about old times. I was pleasantly surprised by the way the younger members enjoyed the meeting. The January meeting was filled with a lot of historical facts and interesting stories. The old men [I am one of them] were very entertaining. Stories were told about things that happened in the early days of the guild. Some were about how our guild was formed, some were about the obstacles they had to overcome, and some were just about the characters that helped shape and mold this great guild. We had a large number of the founding members, old members and most of the past presidents of the guild in attendance.

Before the guild was formed, Chris Bagby, owner of Highland Hardware, and some partners decided they wanted to promote fine woodworking. They scheduled nationally known woodworkers such as Ian Kirby to do a series of woodworking seminars and classes. Most of the woodworkers who frequented Highland Hardware at the time signed up for these multiple classes. During one of the classes, the woodworkers attending were having such a good time visiting with each other and sharing knowledge and how-to ideas that they decided that they needed to do this more often. At that point Ian Kirby suggested that they form a woodworking guild. He told them how to get started. He told them to bring some pieces of woodworking or tools to raffle off to raise money for postage for mailings. The rest is history.

The one thing that made me feel very good was that, to a man, every one of the special guests, from the founding members to the present president, spoke about what the guild has meant to them. They spoke of how our guild and its membership was, and still is, a very sharing group. They spoke about how in their early days of woodworking, and the early days of the guild, there were very few books, hardly any videos or classes to attend. If you were a woodworker, you were probably self-taught or you had had the fortune of a mentor in school or family. But you struggled along mostly by yourself. After the guild was formed, they talked about how some of the early full-time woodworkers got most or all of their work through or from the guild. They talked about how important the guild has been to their development as woodworkers. The Woodworkers Guild of Georgia was the catalyst that made all the other woodworking groups in the metropolitan area and the state possible. They also spoke of how the guild has always tried to uphold the highest standards of workmanship and education dealing with fine woodworking. Master woodworkers Michael Gilmartin and Timothy Sutherland gave us a constructive history of some of the guild members’ involvement in shows that were presented at some of the art galleries and museums in this city. You came away from this meeting with a greater pride and appreciation of the guild and what it has contributed to the development of fine woodworking not only in Atlanta, but the region. I came away from this meeting with the proud feeling that I wanted to stick my chest out and say to anybody who would listen, “I belong to one of the greatest guilds in the country, The Woodworkers Guild of Georgia.”

The founding or old members present at the reunion were: Nick Cook, Joe Fishback, Timothy Sutherland, Phil Colson, John Gorrell, Mark Palmquist, Michael Gilmartin, Mike Hare, Chuck Boelkins, Ken Johnson, Mickey Hudspeth, Zack Etheridge, Gene Eberhardt, Tom Lathrop and Roger Foster (who came all the way from Texas).

The past guild presidents, in order served, are as follows: Zack Etheridge (1st president), Roger Foster, Mike Couch (not present), Mark Palmquist, Joe Fishback, Nick Cook, John Gorrell, Mark Barr, David Buchsbaum, Don Russell, John McCormick (not present), Ken Dickson (not present), Andrew Pacifico, Mickey Hudspeth, Ken Slaughter, Ted Baldwin, and the current president, Suzie Tindall. Current members with 20 years or more of membership include Stewart Holt, Ted McWilliams (not present), Bob Ney, Suzie Tindall, Mickey Hudspeth, Kenneth Johnson, and Ted Baldwin.


The Woodworkers Guild of Georgia, founded in 1982 by like minded men and women, was a sturdy foundation on which to build. While membership has ebbed and flowed over the years, we are embarking on a mission to grow the Guild’s membership, and its involvement in the surrounding community.

Vision Statement

To foster the craft of woodworking by welcoming all to learn, grow and share.



Mission Statement

  • To serve member woodworking needs through education and skill building
  • To provide service to our community through woodworking projects in support of charitable organizations
  • To build a welcoming environment for social interaction by those with a common interest in woodworking
  • To secure the financial support and physical resources to facilitate achievement of the items listed above

Our goal is to welcome the person who wants to learn woodworking, our goal is to be a resource to teach basic and advanced skills, our goal is to build simple birdhouses to beautifully proportioned furniture, our goal is creating toys that children play with endlessly, our goal is a wooden bowl that adorns a mantle, our goal is woodworking for the benefit of the entire community.

In order to accomplish the lofty goals listed above, we need your help. Please consider donating to the Guild!

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